Our research allows us to assess the fundamental prospects of cryptocurrency projects through an in-depth analysis of on-chain data.
We are a team of stock market and cryptocurrency analysts.
block by Block
into the world of crypto

TOP reports

sourcing and researching projects with new business models and products not yet on the market


choose projects with healthy tokenomics and a technically proficient team in their field


take a conservative approach and add capital through value growth instead of looking for short-term opportunities




In my 20 years in investment management, I have explored thousands of investment opportunities in private and public markets. Stocks, bonds, ventures, digital assets - this world is constantly changing, but always offers opportunities to those who have a systematic approach to analysis and transactions.
Portfolios and strategies
The profitability of the right choice is multiplied by trends and discipline. I can't imagine life without movement and constant learning new things


In more than 12 years of experience in asset management, financial markets have attracted me the opportunity to receive positive returns, regardless of its conditions: no matter whether the market is growing or bearish phase, effective analysis and discipline allows you to get the most out of any situation!
Portfolios and strategies
My desire to lead my team to victory is also manifested in my hobby, I love playing soccer

Victor Fedyakin

The stock market fascinated me with the ability to understand many global processes: supply chains, macroeconomics and other global factors.
This fact awakened in me a desire to immerse myself in new technological trends, in particular in the crypto-world, which subsequently led me to the MIPT master's program, where I study high-tech and venture capital. This focus helps me a lot when analyzing projects.
I actively follow NBA seasons and am inspired by old cars. In addition to technology, I love outdoor activities and design.

Ivan Nazarov

After I graduated from the physics department, I started to be interested in the stock market, and it came as a surprise to me how many different physical and mathematical models are used in it. While studying the market, I got a job at a private cryptocurrency fund.
I worked at Freedom Finance, where I created models based on machine learning to analyze the U.S. stock market, and for the last year I have been developing structured products at "Sberbank Life Insurance". In my spare time I travel in the mountains and go snowboarding.
Quantitative Analyst

Denis Strizhkov

While studying at the Finance Department of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, I became fascinated by the idea of cryptocurrencies and the decentralized Internet. Since 2016 I have been actively immersed in the topic of digital assets, I have experience of working in a venture crypto-fund.
Thanks to the gained knowledge I was able to increase the capital of my family many times over. I worked at "Open Broker", where I gained great experience in analyzing and evaluating assets from the classical financial world!
I like active hiking, skiing and I love to play chess.


During two hours we will tell you only important and necessary things about cryptocurrencies, discuss the main practical points, dispel doubts, make and discuss how to make investment decisions


We will help you save and multiply your capital using the infrastructure of cryptocurrency exchanges and our analytics



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